National Institute of Health update!

Ok, so I know it's been way too long since I last updated everyone. It was a crazy summer and then we slammed into fall! Time flying by is an understatement! Over the summer we took a short break from OT but started pool therapy for PT. Asher loved it and it was a great modality for him! He had always been obsessed with anything water so this was a definite win for him! Other than that just the usual juggle of parks, kids, friends, dance (Lorelei), swimming, appointments, birthdays, and of course work. Asher is now 5 years old and started kindergarten! He loves his new teacher and was very excited one of his best friends is in his class! We had to have "the meeting" of course before school began to go over his IEP and so the whole team could learn more about him and what to watch for. We also got our official date and approval for going to the NIH, the largest research campus in the United States, and we are leaving tomorrow! This was all arranged sometime in Au...