Progress, or something like that

Just wanted to give all of you out there a little update on what has been going on this week. People are still continuing to share around the world and we have been contacted by several different people about resources/ tools that are available to us. Our team of doctors have been hard at work as well. Communicating back and forth not only with each other but also reaching out to another researcher! Just this week there was a press release of a Dr. at the University of Michigan, about a set of siblings who have ataxia and it has been contributed to ATG5, a family member of ATG4D. They were able to examine it and determine how the autophagy process was disrupted. ( http://www. 2016/01/rare-find-two- children-leads-discovery- about-autophagy ) Our team reached out to them and they are very interested in studying Asher! They are a project that already has funding in place and it is much easier to ship samples to Mi...