Forward Movement!

We have a researcher! A researcher was found from the UK who has been studying ATG4D in a functionality sense. We have been in contact via email and I am currently working on getting him in touch with Asher's doctors.  We also have a couple of more leads to look into as well however Asher still remains the one and only at this time.
Asher also had made great strides himself this week.  He was fitted for SMOs  (a type of brace/orthotic) and he took them home almost 2 weeks ago.  He loves them! They have batman on them,  which he chose of course,  and was able to do things in PT today that he hasn't been able to do.  A  simple 2 footed jump is nothing to most of you but it was a big step for this guy!  He has also has been able to run and walk more easily with less falls.
This entire week we have felt incredibly blessed from the outreach and support of everyone. This little blog has been viewed over 9,000 times and had reached more than 10 differnt countries.  A simple share from a friend, family member,  and/or coworker has gotten us here!  I urge everyone to keep sharing and follow along on this journey with us.  Thank you!
For all those first timers,  make sure to read "seeking answers"


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